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Apostle of Liberation

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Apostle of Liberation: AME Bishop Paul Quinn and the Underground Railroad 


  • Paul Quinn became AME's first horseback riding itinerant preacher.

  • His ministry stretched from Massachusetts to St. Louis and from Canada to New Orleans.

  • He established churches, schools and Underground Railroad stations wherever he went.

  • Forty-two churches and one college bear his name.

  • He is remembered as one of the Four Horsemen of the AME Church--The Apostle of Liberation​

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       William Paul Quinn's untold story is a missing piece of American history. His deep but little-known involvement with the Underground Railroad is one of the most fascinating subplots of a remarkable life. More than any other prelate of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, or AME Church, Quinn (1788-1873) guided the faithful throughout the perilous pre-Civil War years, sanctioning escape from slavery while avoiding suspicion and, by all appearances, upholding the law. Quinn helped his followers navigate the hardships of slavery, as well as the demands of freedom in the post-Civil War world.


        Apostle of Liberation illuminates Quinn’s importance, showing why his life and courageous efforts deserve more attention—and more appreciation.  For the first time, we learn about the eight and a half years Quinn spent in New York City and the major conflict of his life with AME founder Bishop Richard Allen. Quinn—one of the AME Church’s “Four Horsemen” along with Allen—associated with ministers of other denominations, collaborated with the city’s African American civic leaders, rescued freedom seekers, and operated beyond Allen’s reach, earning Allen’s wrath and a five-year exile from the church.


        This remarkable missionary’s life shows the struggles and challenges that shaped the lives of nineteenth-century Black leaders. Apostle of Liberation explores the historical figure as well as the man of God—his spiritual gifts, his character and uniqueness, as well as his many strengths and failings. The book carefully lays out his trials and triumphs, and the magnitude of his accomplishments in the face of legally sanctioned national opposition, denominational fights and schisms, and devastating Supreme Court decisions. Combining AME Church history, the story of the Underground Railroad, the origins of African American educational efforts, and inspiring anecdotes of westward migration and community engagement, Apostle of Liberation offers an original and distinctive contribution to American religious history.​


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