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2025                     Apostle of Liberation: AME Bishop Paul Quinn, and the Underground Railroad,

                              Rowman & Littlefield.


2024                     "Religion and the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad: Essays on the Network to Freedom,"

                              Official National Park Service Handbook.


2022                    "The Balance Principle Revisited: Slavery, Freedom and the Geography of Statehood." In Cabin, Quarter, Plantation:

                              Architecture and Landscapes of North American Slavery. Electronic Edition, Yale University Press.


2021                     "The Underground Railroad in Maryland’s Ports Bays, and Harbors: Maritime Strategies for Freedom." In Sailing to

                              Freedom: Maritime Dimensions of the Underground Railroad, edited by Timothy D. Walker, University of Massachusetts



2021                    "Secrets Well Kept: Colored Conventioneers and Underground Railroad Activism." In The Colored Conventions

                              Movement: Black Organizing in the Nineteenth Century, edited by P. Gabrielle Foremen, Jim Casey and Sarah Lynn Patterson,

                              University of North Carolina Press.


2014                      Free Black Communities and the Underground Railroad: The Geography of Resistance

                               University of Illinois Press, January 2014.  Harriet Tubman



                   "As Above, So Below":  Ritual And Commemoration in African American Archaeological  

                     Contexts in the Northern United States.” In Materialities, Meanings, And Modernities Of  

                     Rituals In The Black Atlantic, edited by Akin Ogundiran and Paula Saunders, University of  

                     Indiana Press. 


                     Choice Outstanding Academic Titles for 2015




2013                      “Coerced But Not Subdued: Women’s Gendered Resistance to Slavery.” In Gendered Resistance,  

                               edited by Mary Frederickson and Delores Walters, University of Illinois Press, University of Illinois.



2013                      “The African Burial Ground in the Age of Revolution.” In Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology,

                               Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City. 2015 Winner, James Deetz Book Award, Society for

                               Historical Archaeology.



2012                      “The Anthropology of Archaeology: The Benefits of Public Intervention at African American

                               Archaeological Sites.” In The Oxford Handbook of Public Archaeology, edited by John Carman, Carol

                               McDavid and Robin Skeates. Oxford University Press.



2011                      Archaeology, the Activist Community, and the Redistribution of Power in New York City .

In Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress, Vol. 7.              


2010                      “The Balance Principle:  Slavery, Freedom and the Geography of Statehood”

                               in Cabin, Quarter, Plantation:  Architecture and Landscapes of North American Slavery, Yale University.



2009                      Lead author and Cultural Landscape Consultant, Harriet Tubman Special Resource Study:

                               Environmental Assessment, National Park Service, Northeast Region, Department of the Interior.                                                                                  


2009                      Volume IV. Conservation of Materials from the African Burial Ground and the Non-Mortuary

                               Contexts. Prepared for Jacobs Edwards and Kelcey and the U. S. General Services Administration.  



2008                      Introduction to Color in Freedom:  Journey Along the Underground Railroad (Joseph Holston

                               exhibition catalogue) Pomegranate Press for the University of Maryland University College.  



2008                      “William Paul Quinn.” The National African-American National Biography

                               Oxford University Press (co-author).  



2007                      “Public History at Sites of Protest:  Citizenship on the President’s House Viewing Platform.”                                                                                              Cross Ties:  Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, Fall 2007. 



2007                      Resistance to Slavery in Maryland:  Strategies for Freedom, Special History Study for Organization                                                                                      of American Historians, National Park Service, Northeast Region, U. S. Department of Interior.



2005                      “The Archaeology of Black Americans in Recent Times” (Co-author with Mark Leone). Annual                                                                                                Review of Anthropology. Vol. 34: 575-598.  



2001                      “Material Culture”:  Conservation and Analysis of Textiles Recovered from Five Points. 

                               (Co-author with Gary McGowan)  Journal of the Society for Historical Archaeology, 35(3): 65-75.


2000                      Tales of Five Points:  Working-Class Life in Nineteenth-Century New YorkVolume V

                               Conservation of Materials from The Courthouse Block.  (Co-author) John Milner Assoc., Inc. for Edwards

                               and Kelcey Engineers, Inc. and the GSA.


2000                      Tales of Five Points:  Working-Class Life in Nineteenth-Century New York.   Volume II

                               An Interpretive Approach to Understanding Working-Class Life.  (Contributor)  John Milner Associates,                                                                                       Inc. for Edwards and Kelcey Engineers, Inc. and the General Services Administration.


1997                      “Seizing Intellectual Power:  The Dialogue at the New York African Burial Ground”

                               (Co-author with Michael Blakey) Journal of the Society for Historical Archaeology, 31(3): 84-106.                                                                                             



1995                      The Ethical Dilemma Facing Conservation:  Care and Treatment of Human Skeletal Remains and                                                                                     Mortuary Objects, (Co-author with Gary McGowan) Journal of the American Institute for Conservation,  

                               Vol. 35, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 109-121.



1995                      “Beads from the African Burial Ground:  A Preliminary Assessment.”   

                               Beads:  Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers, 6: 3-20.





2016-present       Principal Investigator, Hampton Ethnographic Overview and Assessment Project

                               Hampton National Historic SiteTowson, MD, National Park Service


2017-2019            Principal Investigator, Ethnohistory of the President's House Site

                               National Park Service, Northeast Region


2014                      The Search for Josiah Henson.

                               Time Team America. PBS. August.



2013-2014            Project Historian, Cultural Expressions Exhibition,  

                               National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution. Opening 2016.



2012-2013            Consultant, Josiah Henson Park, Montgomery County Parks and Planning.  



2012                      Consultant, Harriet Tubman By-Way Tour, Riggs Ward Design.






2021-present       Riversdale Museum House Focus Group


2014-15                Shockoe Bottom Preservation Group



2007-2013            Vice Chair, Commission on African American History and Culture, State of Maryland.     







2023                      Calvert Prize, Historic Preservation Award, Maryland Historical Trust.



2023                      Frederick Douglass Underground Railroad 2023 Legacy Award, National Park Service Network to Freedom.


2023                      2023 Wilbur Siebert Award, National Park Service Network to Freedom.


2023                      Distinguished Service Award, Arlington House Research Project,

                               Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Prince George’s Chapter.


2021                      Hartzog Volunteer Service Award, Woodson Home Committee, National Park Service.


2015                      James Deetz Book Award, Society for Historical Archaeology

                               “The African Burial Ground in the Age of Revolution.” In Tales of Gotham,

                               Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City.



2011                      John L. Cotter Award, Society for Historical Archaeology








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